2025 SVLL Spring Season

SVLL registration fees for the 2025 spring season

  • BlastBall age 4 $40
  • T-Ball ages 5-6 $150 
  • Rookies ages 7-8 $240 *
  • Minors ages 9-10 $300 *
  • Majors ages 10-12 $300 *

* plus $50 uniform deposit

2025 District 6 Battalion Spring Season

Tier 1 Intermediates

$30 tryout fee and $450 registration fee (registration fee is paid when a player is offered and accepts a spot on the team)
Tier 1 Intermediates Tryouts Registration:



Players must have their primary residence or enrolled school within the league boundaries in South Vancouver or South Burnaby or west Richmond. Please check the league boundaries map for qualification.


Match month (top line) with year of birth. League age and division indicated at right. Or use the league age calculator.
This chart is only for the 2025 baseball season.

Screenshot-2024-11-30-at-8.32.19 PM


Your registration is not confirmed until the Registrar has reviewed eligibility, including proofs of residence within league boundaries and proof of age. You may be contacted if there are questions about eligibility. If the registration is not approved, fees paid will be refunded.

Financial Assistance

Third party services can provide financial assistance for families in need


If registering with financial assistance, request a coupon code from and register online.


Your receipt will be issued when paying online. No other receipts will be issued.

Refund Policy

Players registered in an age division that are subsequently assessed and move to a lower division for safety and player development reasons may qualify for a refund of the difference in the registration costs. Conversely players moved to an older division may need to pay additional registration to match that division's fee, payable before Opening Day.

Refunds for will be processed by the Registrar by completing the registration withdrawal form.

All refunds are subject to the following policies:

  • Refunds are paid only after return of any issued uniform and equipment
  • Refunds will be refunded to the credit card that paid the fees, or on request by e-Transfer to the person who paid registration
  • Fees paid by a third party (i.e. KidSport) will be refunded directly to the third party

Refunds for the regular spring season are subject to the following policies:

  • Withdrawal before Opening Day (April 13, 2025): full refund
  • Withdrawal on or after Opening Day (April 13, 2025) and up to and including 21 days after Opening Day (May 4, 2025): 50% refund
  • Withdrawal after 21 days from Opening Day (May 5, 2025): no refund
  • Refund from division change: difference of registration fees as of the date originally paid

Refunds for Fall Ball, tournaments such as All-Stars and Selects, and other activities are subject to the following policies:

  • Withdrawal before first scheduled game (including exhibition games): full refund
  • Withdrawal after first scheduled game (including exhibition games): no refund