

To run a successful program there are many expenses connected with running our league and we rely on funding from player registration fees, our own fundraising events and sponsorships from local businesses and companies in our community. Funds raised through sponsorships will be used to maintain the quality of our programs through provision of necessary equipment, field maintenance, and ensure the game is accessible to the growing number of children looking to play baseball.

You can expect your generosity to lead to the following benefits:

  • Exposure to over 400 families and members within the community
  • Helps support improvements to our fields
  • Give back to the community while creating exposure and awareness for your business
  • Support health and fitness in youth
  • Helps to keep fees low to allow everyone a chance to play baseball

If you are interested, please review our sponsorship package: PDF SVLL Sponsorship Package

Without our sponsors, we could not maintain the level of quality and availability of our programs. Thank you for your generosity!


Please contact sponsorship@svll.ca if you are interested in supporting South Vancouver Little League or have questions.
